Venture International Academy Homestay          US Number: 352-742-5086
About Us
Venture International Academy Homestay ® | 106 E. Nelson Street, Tavares, FL 32778 | Nicole Wang/Chinese Counselor

Phone: 352.742.5086 

         Finding a good School & Host Family with VIA
Finding a school or host family can be difficult without someone giving you support. Intentional students who plan on studying in the United States need to find the best academic and host family that will fulfill all their needs while in the a new country. 

We look for host families that are near the school where our students will be studying. More importantly, we look for the right fit for the student to have the best American experience possible.Thank you for trusting VIA with finding the host family or school for your student.

​VIA will match you with an American host family within your schools community. Our families are thoroughly screened by our trained staff to make sure that your family will be the best support for your American experience. Every host family are screened by our application process,phone interview, community counselor visit to the home. Criminal background checks are done for all adults living within the host families home.  Our in depth screening process allows our students and families to transition into the study abroad experience knowing that the host family has been fully screened. 

We also provide orientation and in-person training through our local  community counselors for all international students on how to live with an American host family. We also extend this training to the host families as well, to assist our families to make the best experience for both the student and the host family. As part of our support services, we offer monthly check-ins with both the student and host family separately. The student's natural families will be able to stay up-to-date on how their student is doing on a regular basis with homestay reports that will be translated to keep them updated. We at VIA feel our support services are here to provide our students with the best cultural experience possible.

Thank you for Visiting VIA . We look forward to Assisting you in finding a school or host family for your American Adventure.